Michelle and Niccol gently massage warm oil over the recipient, who is very relaxed and happy.


Abhyanga is a bodywork experience which features copious amounts of warm sesame or coconut oil, depending on the person’s primary imbalance. Recipients may choose to receive from a single practitioner, or dual tandem practitioners (four-handed).

The recipient is unclothed, yet draped with modesty, allowing the practitioner to access the main points of lymphatic drainage on the body. Chest and abdominal massage are part of this bodywork. A hot shower or bath is recommended afterward.

Although it is deeply relaxing, Abhyanga is not as much for the muscles as it is for the lymphatic, digestive, immune, and nervous systems

Abhyanga is promising in reducing subjective stress experience. It may be beneficial in lowering heart rate in all, and blood pressure in prehypertensive subjects. Other benefits of Abhyanga include:

  • improved circulation

  • softer, stronger skin

  • toxin removal

  • improved digestion

  • supports sleep

  • postpones aging

~Ayurvedic Lymphatic Massage~