Every year on a day in April, thousands of Modestans to show their LOVE for our city by gathering for an organized day of volunteering on a myriad of “projects” in and around Modesto.
I’m asking you to join me on a project to clean up Dry Creek. I chose this project because it needs the most volunteers of all the projects I researched! Click the link to read the prominent details, including what to wear and how to complete the City of Modesto adult liability waiver.
The Love Modesto Kickoff Party begins at 7:00AM on April 26 at the corner of I and 10th Street, in front of the Gallo Center. All volunteers are to gather here BEFORE heading to our respective projects, but it’s ok if you have to meet up with us later at the park.
Please call, text, or email if you are interested in joining team Be You for Love Modesto this April 26th!